The Campus Ministry Connection Community

We work at creating space for differences, where we can have important and difficult conversations at times, but also share a meal, consider what it means to live lives grounded in spirituality, and faith; with a sense of compassion, hope and possibility as we think and talk about current local and global challenges. We are intentional about cultivating a sense of joy, wonder and friendship and getting outdoors to enjoy this beautiful part of Arizona that we call home.

Gathering for a home-cooked meal around a table or on the couches by the fireplace, we let our guards down and find our authentic voices. We generally have students in the kitchen preparing a delicious and healthy meal—in casual conversation about our week and whatever is on our minds and hearts. We seek out opportunities to meet others in the crossroads of compassion—those from different faith backgrounds, political positions, social, cultural, economic backgrounds. We love when we have musicians and vocalists to add the poetry and beauty of music to our gatherings. Often, our students are surprised with the bonds formed with people different from their typical friend group.

We allow our interactions to challenge us and move us out of our comfort zones. We work at stretching our hearts and minds to be more grace-filled, hopeful; to be attuned to the beauty and awe of the world, and to use our power to affect change and stand against that which marginalizes, threatens, violates or excludes. Often, we just rest in the company of community, good food and conversation, a light-hearted game or activity, uplifting experiences, reminding us that we are loved and are not alone. Our student group is grounded in the words and life of Jesus of Nazareth, in the way that Jesus welcomed the stranger, loved the whole person, and engaged with people seeking healing, belonging, justice and opportunity—loving, respecting, sharing and embracing without pre-conditions about their beliefs or worthiness. No bullying, manipulating, threats or stipulations. Just gathering to be part of the hope and healing in these troubled times, and seeking to embody that belonging, hope, fairness, grace, compassion and opportunities are more than possibilities